Spring Wire and Single Channel Kit (93in) on Sale

Our Spring Wire upgrade kit helps turn your Caterpillar Tunnel into a more perÂmaÂnent greenÂhouse soluÂtion. Spring Wire allows you to have tighter plasÂtic, or help hold down shade cloth on your Caterpillar tunnel.Â
In most casÂes, we recÂomÂmend pairÂing Spring Wire with our Wind Bracing upgrade kit, allowÂing for increased wind proÂtecÂtion, plus elimÂiÂnatÂing the need for the cone-shaped plasÂtic bunchÂing at each end of your tunÂnel. This is espeÂcialÂly helpÂful on urban farms or othÂer sitÂuÂaÂtions where space is limited.Â
The Spring Wire upgrade conÂtains 93 inchÂes of base chanÂnel and 93 inchÂes of 14 gauge Spring Wire. For typÂiÂcal instalÂlaÂtions we recÂomÂmend 4 sets, allowÂing for two sets of Spring Wire and single chanÂnel on each end bow. If you want the Spring Wire to extend all the way to the ground, you will need 6 sets for stanÂdard tunÂnels (3 for each end bow), and 8 sets for tunÂnels with a lift (4 for each end bow).
Recommended quanÂtiÂties for framed-in end walls are as follows:
- 6 – 8 sets (3−4 for the top edge of each end bow)
- 6 – 8 sets (for the door and framing)
For examÂple, if you put an end wall with doors on both ends, you will need about 18 sets of Spring Wire and single chanÂnel. Additionally, because wigÂgle wire is expenÂsive to ship by itself, we recÂomÂmend purÂchasÂing them with a freight order, and padding the amount slightly.
We offer the 5‑pack, 10-pack, and 20-pack bunÂdles to save on shipÂping costs.
Note:Â The way you frame in your end and the entry sysÂtem you use will affect how many Spring Wire sets you need. Our recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions are genÂerÂal in nature and ultiÂmateÂly the amount needÂed will depend on your plans context.
Additional Information
Bundle Size | Single Kit, 5-pack, 6-pack, 10-pack, 20-pack |