The Flower Farmer Sale

The domesÂtic cut flower busiÂness has expeÂriÂenced a renaisÂsance in the past decade, thanks in large part to the first ediÂtion of The Flower Farmer: An Organic Grower’s Guide to Raising and Selling Cut Flowers, which helped thouÂsands of small growÂers start sucÂcessÂful busiÂnessÂes. This newÂly expandÂed and thorÂoughÂly revised ediÂtion will be equalÂly as influÂenÂtial for novices and expeÂriÂenced growÂers alike.
With the cut flower busiÂness growÂing at record rates, demand is at all time highs, chalÂlengÂing growÂers to take advanÂtage of new techÂniques to proÂlong the harÂvest. New secÂtions on utiÂlizÂing greenÂhousÂes, recÂomÂmenÂdaÂtions for flower culÂtiÂvars, and post-harÂvest hanÂdling. Also updatÂed is the acclaimed resource direcÂtoÂry, comÂplete with sources of seeds, plants and supÂplies, and expert inforÂmaÂtion on organÂic proÂducÂtion under the National Organic Program.
For the beginÂner and backÂyard garÂdenÂer, there is an extenÂsive secÂtion on the basics — variÂety selecÂtion, soil prepaÂraÂtion, plantÂiÂng, culÂtiÂvaÂtion, harÂvest, and floÂral design. For the comÂmerÂcial growÂer, The Flower Farmer includes inforÂmaÂtion about largÂer-scale proÂducÂtion, plus advice about sellÂing to florists, wholeÂsalers, superÂmarÂkets, brides, at farmÂers marÂkets, and more. Also includes revised proÂfiles of sucÂcessÂful growÂers offerÂing behind-the-scenes insight into the operÂaÂtion of some of the cutÂting edge flower farmÂers in the country.
Because of the extenÂsive reviÂsions and enhanced conÂtent, this new ediÂtion of The Flower Farmer is essenÂtial readÂing for those already in the flower busiÂness, as well as those who dream of growÂing flowÂers for enjoyÂment or profit.
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