Wind Bracing Cheap

Our Wind Bracing upgrade kit adds strength and rigidÂiÂty to your Caterpillar Tunnel — allowÂing it to withÂstand stronger winds. When paired with our Spring Wire upgrade kit, you also have the abilÂiÂty to elimÂiÂnate the cone-shaped plasÂtic bunchÂing at each end of your tunÂnel. This can be helpÂful with instalÂlaÂtions where space is limÂitÂed — or where traÂdiÂtionÂal, verÂtiÂcal endÂwalls are desired.Â
The Wind Bracing upgrade kit conÂtains 8 flanged pipes and 16 brace bands with all necÂesÂsary nuts and bolts. Wind Bracing should be installed at roughÂly 45° angles between the botÂtom of the third bow, and about 4’ high on the end bow (see photo).
Additional Information
Bow Spacing | 4-ft Bow Spacing Kit, 5-ft Bow Spacing Kit, 4-ft Bow Spacing Single Piece + Hardware, 5-ft Bow Spacing Single Piece + Hardware |